It is important that Commissioners and delegates maintain the integrity of the Commission’s decision-making processes by observing the rules of natural justice, bringing an open and unprejudiced mind to all matters and always abiding by the law.

Decision-making must also be undertaken in a manner that withstands the closest legal and public scrutiny, maintaining the Commission’s reputation for independence, fairness and good governance.

The Commission Code of Conduct applies to the Executive Commissioner, Commissioners, and any person delegated the roles and functions of the Commission. In addition, where delegates are employed under the State Service Act 2000, they are also subject to the State Service Principles and Code of Conduct.

Complaints and grievances

If you are concerned about the conduct of Commissioners, delegates or staff of the Commission, in the first instance, the matter should be raised with the Executive Commissioner. If the concern is about the Executive Commissioner, the matter should be referred to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or the Director of Human Resources of the Department of Justice.

Consideration may also be given to raising the matter with the Ombudsman, under the Ombudsman Act 1978 or the Integrity Commission, under the Integrity Commission Act 2009.

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